Of all the most valuable resources in the world, kindness is the most precious. And, as parents, we know that perhaps the most important thing we can teach our children is that compassion is the key to building a better world for ourselves and all other living things. The best way to do this, as always, is to lead by example and give children the right, creative (and fun) tools to help them want to learn these important lessons.
If raising compassionate children is a goal of yours, then there’s no better time to start than during American Humane’s 106th annual Be Kind to Animals Week, which is the oldest commemorative week in U.S. history and takes place this year from May 2-8.
To help create a kinder world, American Humane, the country’s first national humane organization, is making a rich variety of free, professionally developed humane education materials available online to parents, teachers and children. Free downloadable materials include humane lessons and teaching sheets custom-made for pre-K to Grade 5 students, printable Be Kind to Animals posters for kids to hang in their rooms, and a ton of ideas to celebrate and protect Earth’s creatures.
As they fill out professionally crafted math and language arts worksheets, children will learn how to respect and protect animals, and discover simple ways they and every member of your entire family can make a difference in the lives of millions of living creatures, including the animals in their homes and communities, farm animals, animals in entertainment, and endangered and disappearing species around the world.
There’s plenty for parents to enjoy, as well. On the www.americanhumane.org/BeKind webpage, you will find a fascinating historical retrospective, featuring captivating facts from 106 years of Be Kind to Animals Week and meet its famous supporters, from soft touches like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood to tough guys and gals like Dennis the Menace, Betty White and Porky Pig. Even U.S. Presidents have been a part of Be Kind to Animals Week!
Of course, being kind isn’t something you do or teach during just one week, but all year round. We hope these free, new ideas and materials will inspire you and your kids to join the Compassion Movement and make a difference today and every day by visiting www.AmericanHumane.org/BeKind.
By teaching our children the value of our animal friends, we can build a better world, not only for animals, but for all of us.
Dr. Robin R. Ganzert is president and CEO of American Humane, the country’s first national humane organization. Read the full piece here.